Monday, December 23, 2019

5 Years Ago Today - Semi Almost Beat The Odds But A Shift

5 years ago today I opened up a report for a scan that I had.  Was expecting good news.  December 23 is a day I always know due to a family member's birthday.  The report showed possible cancer, but was inconclusive.  But the report also indicated something else was seen over on a different part of my body and should be checked.  The first shot had been fired.  I figured over medicine and nothing would be found.

I was wrong.   Within a month I was diagnosed with colon cancer.  Turned out to be Stage IV since one met was already in my lung, just took a bit longer to identify.  The 5 year survival rate for advanced Stage III (which was the best scenario for me based on my surgery a month later) was 10%.  Today the 5 year relative survival rate is 14%.

The earliest I can count 5 years, to me, is today.  I plan to make it to 5 years from the date of surgery, and I should, which is in February.

Two weeks ago I was informed that the chemotherapy stopped working.  Cancer spread and the tumors that existed started growing again - namely the big ones.  All the arrows show some of the tumors.

Time to look for immunotherapy trials - there may be one, will find out the beginning of the year if I qu
alify via a blood test - but otherwise the only other option seems to be a chemo that is not very effective and is rather harsh.

I had taken a bit of a break from training, but time to get back to it.  It has been getting tougher the last few months with muscles aches/spasms from the chemo, which also probably helped lead to the plantar issues.  Plus more difficulty breathing - more from the chemo than the cancer - so being off chemo should make me actually feel better for awhile.  Just need to get my legs back and start improving.  Not stopping going forward.  All I need to do is hang on as much as possible until they get something in place to knock this out.  So will do everything to stay as strong as I can.

I have a 70.3 to do in Galveston in April, and I plan to be there and finish



Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Time To Embrace The Slow?

Was scheduled to do one more Sprint Triathlon in two weeks, but got pretty sick Thanksgiving and wound up at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Friday for scans and blood work. Thought kidney stone had shifted based on pain and getting sick, but scans showed all clear, though stone still there.
Back on chemo now and legs cramping/spasms.
Had kidney stone end of July, plantar issue for three months, and tendinitis.

Plus adjusting to being back on chemo.
So all those things added up to some degree in my training. I have had some positive signs and looking to correct and modify as needed. I registered for Galveston 70.3 in April and people have suggested resting a bit and keep my eye on that race (though I scheduled a Sprint for March before I signed up for Galveston).
It kind of makes sense.
If I call it a year, did this
3 Sprint Triathlon Relays
3 Sprint Triathlons Solo
1 Olympic Triathlon Relay
3 5K.
1 7.6K
1 1/2 Marathon
1 70.3 (Finished 69.2 miles due to extended bike, pulled from course 10.1 miles into run)
Looks like not a bad idea to #embracetheslow

Dead Inside ..I’m Not Dead Yet….

   I have been dealing with cancer for 10 years.  I am perfectly aware of my condition.  In fact I have been putting together things for the...