The waiting for the results of the first scan is over. And my totally untrained eyeballing of the scan itself was pretty much on point. No real change in most of the tumors, though some of them did grow a bit. Obviously not the optimal result that I was looking for, but it seems some are being controlled.
Additionally the of the tumors show "cavitation," which basically indicates some kind of activity, including the possibility that the tumor is dying. It looks like a little black circle in the middle of the tumor. The green arrow on the following image shows where one example is.
There are also indications that the tumor in my back and spine is being reduced. Which is a good thing. But the big question is what is going on?
Check out the spot on the right side (looking at this image) with the red arrow pointed down. That one is a monster. |
There is a chance that though some tumors do respond, others may not based on various reasons. There is a TON of cancer in my lungs, including one approaching 4 cM. I did find an interesting article on what cavitation may mean, and that for Colon Cancer Mets to the lung, the cavitation is a good sign. You can check it out here: NIH Publication
I pulled some of the images from my scan and marked some of the places in my lungs where there is cancer. Check out that bad-boy on the image to the right. Really hoping to see a black dot on the next scan.
The game plan is to add another drug on my next session. I need to think about it. Obviously all the drugs come with warnings that scare the heck out of you. But this drug, Avistan, does things like cause blood clots, seizures, fistulas, GI Bleeds. On the other hand, it does make the chemotherapy more effective in many cases. I do need to stack the odds some more. So will probably go for it.
One of the most important things I asked was how the h--l I am functioning at all with that amount of cancer in my lungs. Foreshadowing - what is the name of this site? Yup, triathlon training is keeping me going. Whatever lungs that I have left and are cancer free are doing a pretty good bang up job of keeping my lung function and capacity going. Even though the chemotherapy is messing up my training - no more 6 days a week with a 5 hour brick now and again - but it is still something. Usually I am a glass half full guy, but seeing my training decline does bum me out again. I do need to remind myself what I am dealing with when that thought hits.
This is the last weeks training - four days worth with some walking between miles. #iTri4ACure
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